
When you create a new cross section/section template or change an existing cross section you add an element by going to Construct and clicking on the type of element you want to add or by clicking on the icon for this element in the toolbox. If you click on the wrong element is it easy to change the type of element from the dialogue box.

In this dialogue box you enter the values you want to assign to this element. For example, it can be a slope with given distances, fixed distances, extend etc... It is possible to add an element in both directions  regardless of which side of the section you are on. This is indicated by the toolbox direction and also appears in Add to left or Add to right. For example, if you want to add an element belonging to an element outside it, select the direction towards the centre point. (Left if you are on the right side of the section and vice versa.)

You always edit a point and the path to that point. When adding an element, this element is created with its default values and you then change its default values to suit your requirements. You cannot delete points that any other points have a relation to.

The section normally starts from the centre of the roadline and runs towards the edges but some of the points in the section can be fixed points even if they are not in the centre. For example, the road profile can be offset from the centre - this is often the case for highways.

The different properties for a section element are: