
Section template|Fillet


Fillet is the command that is used for the point at which the superstructure intersects with the inner slope. You enter the kind of slope (normally extend) and then click on the element with which the superstructure will intersect.

Superstructure colours:
Rock has a red line, Soil has a green line and Fill has a blue line.


You have constructed a superstructure for Fill with a thickness of 0.7 m and you have reached a point below the outer prop strip. You now want to extend this line to intersect with the inner slope.  

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Click on the superstructure for Fill, which is the blue line. Click on the point that is below the outer prop strip.
  2. Is there is no element outside this element, add a Fillet element by clicking on Construct|Extend or by using the Fillet icon in the toolbox. Note that the direction will be outwards from the centre line.
  3. Click on the Extend box.
  4. Click on the Select layer box.
  5. Click on the element you want to intersect with, i.e the road, with the black line on the top. It does not matter which position along this line you click on.