
Section template|Relative


Relative is used primarily to determine the superstructure thickness. You determine a relative value for the horizontal or vertical distance and click on the object you want to relate it to.  


The superstructure thickness for Fill will be 0.7 m below the road, parallel to the road.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Click on the superstructure line for Fill, which is the blue line.  
  2. If there is no element outside this element, add an Extend element by clicking on Construct|Relative or by using the relative icon in the toolbox. If you have an existing element for the superstructure, click on this instead.
  3. Enter the vertical height (indicated by up and down arrows) of 0.70. As the horizontal length has no influence enter a value = 0 m.
  4. Click on Select point.
  5. Click on the point in the road towards which you want to have a parallel thickness of 0.7 m. This is normally required for two points on each side for a (normal) road - in the centre of the road and at the outer edge (or under the prop strip). For a highway with an inner strip or ditch, it will probably be necessary to click on several points.  However, it is disadvantageous to click on several points below the road using the relative distance.