Offset/stake out

Drawing|Geometry|Offset/stake out

Offset/Stake out for roadline. There are two ways to determine how to stake out the roadline.

1. Using a fixed crossfall from a roadline.

2. Using a designed or measured crossfall from a roadline, the road profile (height) and the road camber.

Offset / Stake out: part 1 of 2

If you choose the second method you need to enter a roadline, a profile and ideally a camber diagram.

Decide on the start and end section and the point interval.

Decide whether you want to create tangent points and midpoints on curves.

The next step is to decide on the width and height for the points offset from the edge of the road.

See also

Roadline for more information about the format of the roadline.
Surface check for a similar command using the comparison between the road geometry and measured points.