Net adjustment contents

Net adjustment

Topocad Net adjustment is based on calculations using the Least Squares Method, and a number of functions have been created for this to bring in data in appropriate ways and as methods for searching for errors. There are also a range of functions to customize the appearance of the results you want to present.



Input data for net adjustment


Load survey data

Loading of survey data into the net adjustment protocol.

Settings survey data

Settings for importing survey data

Explanations of measurements

Explanation of terms

Explanation to the Net adjustment document:


- Points

New and known points

- Instruments

Selection of instruments, list

- Summary

Quick summary of the net

- Results


- Report

Explanation of terms in the report

Calculating of net

Calculate the net

Settings calculations

Settings for different net adjustment calculations.

Tests and reports:


 - Search gross errors


 - Connection Error


 - Double measured points


- Double measured heights


 - Post checking of heights


 - Automatic height test


 - Point numbering check


 - Connection error heights


 - Measurements


 - Test of known points

Test of known points

Other commands:


Save polygon points


Save net adjustment to drawing


Display settings


Lock heights


Simulation of net adjustment:

Structure of simulation calculation

 - Import of known points


 - New points


 - Observations


Entry data is based on a purge having been made to Topocad's survey data file using the SUR file format, and this data is then imported to the net adjustment; but entering data directly to the net adjustment measurements works equally well.

The known points are loaded from the preset polygon point file (default is Topocad.PP) but you can also enter known coordinates under the New Points tab.