Layer Manager

Drawing|Layer manager

Short key: Ctrl + 1

Topocad Layer manager

Layers are one of the many ways to distinguish between different types of data in Topocad. A layer can consist of buildings, pipes, cables, polygon points, survey 1 etc... Using layer control is an effective way to handle different types of data. The layer manager is a toolbox, in other words it can be open while you work with the drawing.

The Layer Manager  is  one  of  several ways  to separate different  types of data in Topocad.  A layer  may  for example  consist of  buildings, roads  or trees  or may also have  completely different  classifications.  The benefits of  sorting  different types of data  in different layers are many. For example is it possible  to  turn on and off  the  type with  a single  command.  Also, you can  arrange the  different codes  (wall,  middle of the road,  curb,  etc...)  into  different layers  and you can  in  your drawing  ignite  or  extinguish  everything related to  the code  about to  do.  It is possible to  select multiple  layers  simultaneously, for example,  mark them as  frozen  simultaneously.

Working  seamlessly with  Layer Manager

Layer Manager  is a  toolbox, that is,  you  can  leave it out  while working in the  drawing.  If you  want to  change the size of the  dialogue, you can  click  the button marked << above the layer list.

See also
Layer collections:  create a list of  the layers you  want visible  at the moment. A very  quick way to  turn layers on/off.

Attributes and Properties of the  Layer Manager

Double-click a  layer to display  the layer's  attributes and properties.  In  the Properties tab  are  sub-types,  styles and  objects.

It is possible to work with layers in several ways. These will be explained here.

To create a new layer:
  1. Activate layer control.
  2. Click on the button Create down to your left. Enter the name and description. The layer can have any name. Note that other CAD programs may not allow spaces or accented characters such ad Å, Ä, Ö.


Select which layer will be the current layer. This can also be done in the menu. A quick way to select a current layer is to double click the layer name in the list to the left of the layer control window. The current layer will be displayed with an arrow to the left of it in the status list.

Choose any name to the layer, but remember that it may change when exporting to other drawing files.

The layer can have a description.

Line type
Select which line type you want to use for the layer.  Note that the point code may have a different line type. If this is the case, the line type of the point code will be the active one.

Line weight
Select line weight for layer.

Select which colour you want the layer to have. If you have already made settings e.g. in. the code table you do not have to do so again.

Yellow mark means not frozen and snowflake means frozen layer. A frozen layer is not visible and cannot be regenerated. The good thing about working with frozen layers is that it is much faster, compared to hidden layers. This is because they are not included when regenerating the drawing.
Function to easily freeze layer: Activates by clicking the button or from right click menu.  If the command is activated, all the layers the user clicks on will be frozen. The command terminates when clicking Escape or Return or by activating another command.     

The visible layer is marked with a yellow lamp when it is visible and a grey lamp when it is hidden. A hidden layer is not visible but will regenerate when the drawing is regenerated.

Read only
Read only is marked with a lock which can be locked or unlocked depending on its status. A read only layer is visible but although you can snap on it you will not be able to change anything in the layer.

Display only
Display only is marked with a cross in the square. The layer is visible but you cannot work in it.

Layer level
The layers can be stated in different levels where the higher the level shows higher in drawing. In a similar way as order but on a layer level. The layer level has a higher priority then what the object order has.  

Zoom alternatives
A layer is visible only within certain zoom limits (zoom= the drawing width in meters).

  • On: the layer displays only within certain zoom limits.
  • Off: The layer is displays only if it is selected as Visible in the layer manager.
  • Min zoom: the minimum zoom where the layer is visible.
  • Max zoom: The maximum zoom where the layer is visible.  

Blank values on Min zoom and Max zoom are not valued as limits.
Current zoom in drawing is displayed at the scaler if settings has been made under Settings|System settings|Screen|Display zoom and if the scalor is visible.

The number of objects in this layer.

Select which layers you would like to print.

Layer groups gives possibilities to set a group name on a layer. In the layer manager you can choose if layer groups shall be displayed and if all groups shall be displayed or just one group.
The title row of the group includes the group name, if the group is expanded or not, numbers of layers and number of objects i all the layers of the group. Click on the title to expand/close the group.
Layer preferences as frozen, visible, read only and display only can be changed for an expanded group by clicking in the respective column in the title row of the group.
There is also a possibility to select a group for layer for import/survey in the code table.   


Creates a new layer and a description can be made.

Gives you a possibility to edit the name of the layer and description.

WMS  (Web Map  Services)  are  maps on different  servers.  These  can be used  in Topocad  by entering the search  path,  storage, format, version,  request,  SRS  (coordinate system)  and  image formats.

Deletes a layer. If the layer contains an object you will be warned.

Displays previous and next made layer setting.


See also:

Object properties
Change Properties