External references


External references are used to link other drawings to the current drawing in the background. This is useful if you need to use other drawings for reference only. It can also be used to minimise the size of the individual drawings.

Topocad External reference

The documents that are able to link to is for example DWG/DXFm roadlines, coordinate lines and of course top files.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Select  the Drawing|XRefs
  2. To see more columns, right click in the dialogue and select Column settings. In the dialogue Customize Edit, select which fields to be visible and then OK to return.

  1. Click Add and load/open the drawing you want to link to for example your drawing in the background.
    Topocad supports a large number of file formats, see list over file formats here.
  2. Continue until you have added all the drawings (models) you want to use in your drawing.
  3. You can select an internal order for them.  
  4. You can also delete the external references and edit the drawing by clicking Modify.

You can choose if you want the external references toolbox to be visible or not, and also if it shall be active. To snap the toolbox needs to be active.  

This can be useful when you need to create drawings to plot. Inserting the drawings you want to use as external references and then creating a drawing sheet to use for the plot is an effective method when you are using both models (real co-ordinates) and paper (paper co-ordinates).

Select which layers that shall be visible.

Edit appearance in external reference editor
Click on Layer to edit appearance in external references in the External references editor. You can also show/hide layer. Reads .lx- and .lr-files and writes .lx-files.  

See also

Drawing sheet