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This is where you select the folder to use for the drawing sheet templates. The templates should be created for a paper size of A1 (841 x 594mm) only.

Drawing Sheet Templates

Select  the directory where you  have  templates  for  different drawing  sizes, frames.
Default is  C: \ WINDOWS  \  Adtollo  \  Topocad X.0  \ Templates  \  Sheets
These  templates  are  the TOPX  files.

Report Templates
Specify the folder  where your  templates  for reports. These files are RPT files.

Threshold  Definitions
Specify  the folder where the  files  for  threshold  definitions  (tolerances) are available. The files  have the extension  TTH.

Layer Collection Template
Directory for storage of exported layer collections is added here.
See also Layer collections

Gtrans Transformation files
Select directory for transformation files. The setting is also available in Project settings.

Layer Settings Files
Select directory for layer setting files.

User Defined Documents
Select directory for user defines documents.

Temporary files
Save the files temporary in your system

See also

Insert drawing sheet.

This is where report templates folders are set. The default folder is "C:\Program\Adtollo\Topocad\Reports\"

The settings for the folder containing the tolerance files are also made here.

See also

System Settings