Traverse settings

The observations in the traverse can be entered with three types of data. The data and observation types are as follows:

Vertical angle with slope distance
Horizontal angle back, Vertical angle back, Slope distance back, Horizontal angle forward, Vertical angle forward and Slope distance forward. 3D

Vertical and horizontal distance
Horizontal angle back, Vertical angle back, Horizontal distance back, Horizontal angle forward, Vertical angle forward, Horizontal distance forward. 3D

Horizontal distance only
Horizontal angle back, Horizontal distance back, Horizontal angle forward, Horizontal distance forward. 2D

The first option, Vertical angle with slope distance, is the format that is always saved. Other values are calculated using this format. You can always enter data in any of the above three formats. The selected observation type has a significant influence on the information and statistics displayed for the traverse.

Enter the tolerance for your traverse in metres. If the tolerance is exceeded during the calculation you will see an error message telling you that the tolerance has been exceeded and that the calculation has stopped.

Print format
Select detailed or short list.

You can choose to view the traverse after the calculation has been made.

Information about stations in traverse

You will find this command in the menu. It gives you all possible information about the current station. You will see a summary of all observations and partial observations for the station. Different data will appear in the dialogue box depending on which type of observation format has been selected.

dialogue box data:

Group number:
Used to select whether you want to see the station summary or only one round ahead.

Specifies the horizontal angle and the maximum and standard differences for the angle in the selected group/round.

Shows whether the measurement has been taken towards the backsight or the forward sight.

Vertical angle:
The sum of the vertical angle and its maximum difference and standard deviation.

Slope distance:
The sum of the slope distance and its maximum difference and standard deviation.

Horizontal distance:
The sum of the calculated horizontal distance.

Vertical distance:
The sum of the calculated horizontal distance.