Calculate traverse

You can calculate a traverse from the traverse document (.trv). When you are satisfied with the editing and entries, go to the menu and click Calculate traverse. A dialogue box appears. Topocad tries to find the connection type. This can be changed if it is not correct.

The following connection types exist:

  • Not connected
    Traverse is not connected. It is connected to two points at the start of the traverse and is not connected to any points at the end of the traverse.
  • Not connected inverse
    Traverse not connected. Starts with unknown points and ends at two known points.
  • Co-ordinate connected
    The traverse is connected to two points at the start of the traverse and ends at one known point at the end of the traverse.
  • Co-ordinate connected inverse
    The traverse  has one known point at the start of the traverse and ends at two known points at the end of the traverse.
  • End point connected
    The first and last points in the traverse are known points. All other points are unknown.
  • Completely connected The traverse has two known points at both the start and end. This type of traverse is of course the most accurate and Topocad can also calculate more deviations and corrections from it.
Correction methods:
  • No correction
    No correction at all
  • Linear
    Linear correction from the first station.
  • Length
    Complete correction

Other data in the calculate traverse dialogue box is: known points, point ID and co-ordinates.

The dialogue box shows:
Top left corner: first backsight
Top right corner: first point
Bottom left corner: last point
Bottom right corner: last forward sight

A maximum of all four of them can be known and displayed (as for completely connected) and at least two must be known and displayed.

Tick this box if you want to calculate a 3D traverse. Click OK when you want to continue with the calculation of the traverse.