Traverse statistics

This dialogue box shows information about how many points there were in the traverse, the number of calculated new points (unknown), the number of measured angles, the rounds of angles and distances as well as the verifiability of the traverse and which corrections have been calculated for the traverse.

Number of points:
Total number of points in the traverse.

Number of unknown points:
Total number of points that where not known from the beginning and which have now been calculated.

Number of measured directions:
Total number of measured directions in the traverse from all points.

Number of measured distances:
Total number of measured distances between points in the traverse.

Number of direction sets:
Number of measured direction sets: This is the same as the number of stations that the direction measurements have been calculated from. Usually this is the number of points minus two (backsight and forward sight).

The verifiability of a traverse is calculated using the following formula:

Number of measured directions + Number of measured distances - 2 x Number of unknown points - Number of direction sets divided by Number of measured directions + Number of measured distances

The verifiability value should be as high as possible. For a traverse a value of 0.5 would be a satisfactory result.

Correction angle:
In completely connected traverses you can calculate the angle difference and this difference can be distributed to the observations at the various points. This distribution is an average distribution using the same angle difference at all observations. The displayed difference is the adjusted angle created from every angle.

In completely connected, co-ordinate connected and end point connected traverses you can calculate a co-ordinate difference. The displayed difference is the resulting co-ordinate calculation for every point.