Traverse document


The Traverse document has its own menu with a unique column for the document named Traverse. The document itself shows the backsight, station and forward sight for every station. They all show the point ID and prism height/station height. The observations are as follows:

Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not the observation should be used in the calculation.

Number of rounds of measurement for this station.

Other observations are explained in the traverse settings.

The following commands are in the menu:

Previous station
Takes you to the previous station in the traverse. The same function can also be performed using the left arrow in the document.

Next station
Takes you to the next station in the traverse. The same function can also be performed using the right arrow in the document.

First station
Takes you straight to the first station in the traverse.

Last station
Takes you straight to the last station in the traverse.

New station
Adds a new station. A dialogue box appears. For the first entry you can add the backsight, station and forward sight (next station). For subsequent entries you can only add the forward sight (next station). It is not possible to break the traverse without deleting all stations that are ahead of the required insertion point.

Removes an existing station from the traverse. It is only possible to remove stations at end points.

Edit station ID
Change the name of a station in the traverse.

Find out more about these in Traverse settings.

Traverse information
Find out more about these in Traverse station information.

Calculate traverse
Find out more about these in Calculate traverse..