Create traverse
Create traverse from survey data:
The traverse can either be entered manually or you can load data from the survey data file (.sur).
To construct traverse from survey data file:
1. From the survey data document (.sur) go to Survey|Construct traverse.
1. The traverse document is opened in the background. A dialogue box appears which suggests a station order. This dialogue box has three columns. The first column lists the first station, used as the backsight, where the traverse begins. The second column lists all stations in the traverse in an order suggested by Topocad. You can remove stations from this field. The third column suggests the last station, used as the forward sight. There may be two stations in this column. If so you will need to click on the one to be used as the forward sight.
1. Topocad may not select the correct traverse order. In this case remove incorrectly placed stations by selecting them and clicking Remove. These stations will then appear in the third column. Add stations in the correct order by selecting the appropriate station from the third column and clicking Add. If you want to add stations that were not measured in the survey data document, this can be done afterwards. See further down - Manual entry.
1. You have now a traverse. It is possible to scroll between stations using the arrows. For more information about the document see Traverse document
Construct traverse by manual entry:
Go to File|New and select Traverse (.trv)
The traverse document appears on the screen. Go to Traverse|Add station to enter the stations in the traverse. In the dialogue box you can add a backsight, station and forward sight. Next time you want to add a station, the backsight (back point ID) and the station point ID are already defined. You can only enter the next forward sight. (This will be the next station if you continue the traverse). Note that it is possible to select three types of observation data: - Vertical angle with slope distance, Vertical and horizontal distance and Horizontal distance only. See Traverse settings for more information.
It is possible to enter any number of observations and stations in the document.