
When you have made a calculation you can see the general results by selecting the Summary tab. The calculation primarily specifies if a standard mean error is approved in plane and/or height (see Report). If this is not the case, either the error is specified as large but the calculation was still possible or it was too large to allow an adjustment.

We will then identify the most important results which means that you can assess if the adjustment is to be approved or not for plane and height. Here the net's standard mean error is included, K-value, and the largest point mean error in plane (error ellipse large axis) and height. You also get the observations' largest sigma level, improvement (for angle, length, and height difference) and lowest relative redundancy (individual K-value). See the description of these parameters in the Report chapter.

In addition to this, a summary of the observations' sigma levels is listed to ensure that you can assess whether the observations contain gross errors. The distribution of the sigma levels is compared with the theoretical values that an average calculation would give.