Interpret road profile

It is very easy to interpret a road profile direct from the profile form. Start by creating the terrain section, so you have something to check.

The different commands available under Interpret profile are:

Add points before/after current point
Indicates the direction in which points are added in the road profile. You can create the profile from any direction or from the middle. The setting is also indicated by the +/- icons in the menu. Compare with section template/cross sections.

Add points
Add points in the direction displayed above.

Edit point
Enables you to edit any tangent point in the road profile.

Delete point
Deletes the selected tangent point.

Select point
You can select a tangent point using the left/right arrows in the menu or by clicking on the point using the icon to the right of the arrows in the menu.

Save profile
Opens the calculated road profile document, which you can then edit in text mode and/or save.

Set radius
The button Set radius let the user set the radius for selected point. Select a point, click Set radius, and by moving the mouse in the profile form you draw a radius from the selected point. Click again to finish.

Create transition curves / spirals in profile
It is possible to select transition curves, spirals, in the profile. By selecting Construct|Left spiral respectively Right spiral, this is made graphical. Then the spiral and its tangent points appears. Observe that the command is sensitive.  After the spirals have been added, they can be edited. It is also possible to edit the radius afterwards, which then edits the detailed spirals at the same time.
Spirals can also be selected directly in the profile.
Read more in Road profile