General database

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Information about the database to be connected to Topocad. This database connection is only for specific or known points. Almost all types of databases can be connected, including MS Excel and SQL databases. To connect and collect all the maps stored in a database you can use any of our other database connections, e.g. ISM adapter.

Add, edit or delete your database connections.

Search criteria

You can select whether you want to use the known point file (pp file), the database or both.



Enter the name of the database.

Point columns

Enter the names of columns in the database for the point information.

Attribute columns


Enter the names of columns in the database for the attribute information.


Enter the names of columns in the database for the point information.

Connection string
To find the right database.

This is a sample of a Connection string for Excel sheet: Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Extended Properties="DSN=Excel files;DBQ=C:\Chaos\database.xls;DefaultDir=C:\Chaos;DriverId=790;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;";Initial Catalog=C:\Chaos

Where C:\Chaos\database.xls is the database in excel file.

Connection string for Microsoft access:

Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Password=XXXX;User ID=XXXX;Data Source=filnamn;Persist Security Info=True

Request the user name and password

A separate login can be created.