ArcGIS settings

Home|System settings - ArcGIS


Connection to ArcSDE is an add-on module for storage and for loading from the ArcGIS database. Data can be stored either in the ArcSDE database or in a personal geo data base. Settings created here are for the database and creation of maps.

Click on ArcGIS in the upper left corner of the dialogue, to access Advanced system settings: (Only available from the ArcGIS menu, not in System settings.

Map directory
Enter the folder in which the ArcSDE database is located.
The maps are listed here.
Copy or merge map(s)
Click New or Edit to open the following dialogue box:

The layer for this map and the order of the layers are selected. This order is the same as the drawing order. Layers above will be drawn later and will therefore appear on top.

Map Views
Click the Map Views button to manage map views.

Adding or editing a layer opens the following dialogue box:


This allows you to determine how every layer in the map, including sub-types, will be displayed in Topocad. Select the colour, line type and line scale for each layer. Symbols connected to the layer are selected from the symbol file. Sub-types can have their own settings.  

If objects in the layer have a valid point ID and point code the attribute table should be entered here.



Here you are able to set the rotation direction on symbols via an attribute.

Column: The attribute column which rotation shall be picked from.
Style: The style which the rotation is stated in. (arithmetic or geographical)
Unit: The unit which the rotation is stated in (degrees, gon or radians)
Fix: The rotation can also be stated as a fixed angle which goes for all symbols.

The rotation attribute of the symbol updates when rotating the symbol in drawing.


Sub types

Possibilities to exclude objects with certain sub types when opening map.


Click the Styles button to open following dialogue. Add your styles. Style selections go before subtype selections.