Edit settings

It is possible to edit the survey data form. Select Edit settings in the Survey column or right click and select Column settings.  See also General grid editing. Selecting a type of observation allows you to add it or remove it from your list. You can place the observation wherever you want by using the up or down arrows. It is also possible to Remove all or Add all.

The document format is always the same and this editing only affects how the survey data will appear on screen and when printing.

You can also save the standard design.

Determines whether or not Topocad will use the point for backsight. It is also possible to select the option ”r;If possible”r; and Topocad then checks if it finds the point number as a backsight.

Survey type
The survey types you can select if the values are Backsight, Point, Other, Backsight if possible, Round mean value or Station mean value.

Point ID
This is the identification for the point and can consist of up to 24 alphanumeric characters. When points are manually entered in Topocad they are automatically numbered. If you start with number 1 the next point will have the point ID 2. If you enter 1,001 the next number will be 1,002

Remark field.

External point identity
This has no function in the message.

Object type
Description of classification of object.

Time in local time. Time is given as hours 00-23, minutes 00-59 and seconds 00-59 (hhmmss), and if necessary with fractions of a second (hhmmss.ddd).

Error distance in plane
Error distance entered or calculated - used to describe the accuracy of the points in the plane. The value is the radial point error distance.

Error distance in height
Error height distance entered or calculated - used to describe the accuracy of the points in the plane. The value is the radial point error distance.

Measurement type
Describes type of point. e.g. station, point, net. It is used in the free station when you know at the beginning which points to use for the calculation. If you use the backsight or polygon point code type, the setting will be changed automatically.

Describes how many dimensions will be calculated at the specific point. The alternatives are: no dimension, one dimension, two dimensions and three dimensions. The setting is also used prior to the calculation in the free station when describing the points that will be used for the plane and height respectively.

If the point is used as a control point, select Yes here. The default value is No.

Part of measurement
This is used when several measurements of the same object are required to define its co-ordinates.

Resection order
These are used in resections and describe which of two alternatives will be used if the point is not defined in any other way.

Space vector
This is used for the measurement of two prisms or if you want to measure a distance between a point and a prism. The value given here is the distance from the closest prism.

Specified accuracy for measurement data.

Eccentric cross angle
Horizontal cross angle at the centre point.

Eccentric vertical angle
Vertical cross angle at the centre point.

Eccentric distance
Slope distance to the centre point.