Create sections

Start section
The default value is the start of the roadline. If you want to use something else, enter it here.

End section
The default value is the section after the end of the roadline. If you want to use something else, enter it here. Make sure that the start and end sections are inside the length of both the road profile and the roadline.

Enter the interval at which you want to create sections.

Select between creating sections at the tangent points from the roadline, profile, crossfall or cant.

Tolerance in plane and height
If at least one tolerance is set, extra sections may be created to make sure the result stays within the tolerance. Only the theoretical layer is controlled. Outer slopes can only be controlled towards the height tolerance. If no tolerance is set, no control is made and no sections will be created.

Superelevation runoff
This creates the crossfall, camber and superelevation based on the roadline used in the calculation. You need to enter the superelevation length for the road curves and the slope that the road will have in curves and straight lines. If the camber document is selected in the global options, the superelevation runoff is already made so this option is not default selected. See camber.  

When the cross sections are calculated, the areas for each section are also calculated. These will appear in the cross section document (.tcs).

To create cross sections

  1. Activate the Create command.
  2. If it is a road that you are going to calculate you will need the crossfall document or to create it first. If you have previously created the crossfall document, enter it now. If not, enter the settings for superelevation runoff, length and camber in the dialogue box.
  3. Click OK. The cross sections that are involved in the superelevation runoff and crossfall are created. You can now modify them if required. The next sections will be interpreted using these settings.
  4. Go back to Create sections. This time, you create the sections with the interval. This will also be the default selection. Enter any interval for the calculation.

To calculate cross sections, certain data is required that is stored under Global options and also appears in a dialogue that is automatically activated when we click Create sections.