Text on contour lines

Drawing|Terrain|Contour Text

Topocad - Height (text) on contoursIt is very easy to enter heights for contour lines, or even for all lines that appear in the drawing. You need to define the font and text height, which layer to put the text in and where the text should appear.

By default the text will be placed above the contour line. If the area is flat, the text will be placed in the direction indicated. You can also tick the "Orientation from selection order" box, which will create text in the direction indicated, from bottom to top.

Select which font you want to use for the heights.

Select the height in millimeters that you want to appear on the drawing.

Enter the number of decimal places to display.

It is possible to select different settings for layers:

  • · Fixed layers: select a layer for the text.
  • · Same as contour lines
  • · Same as contour lines + suffix for the layer.

Draw a hidden line across the contour lines. The heights will be placed where the lines cross.