Profile form, components

Topocad profile form

The dialogue box contains two columns - the left-hand column shows available components and the right-hand column installed components. This is similar to the one used for survey data settings and text edit settings.

Data contained in profile form:
  • Area
  • Crossfall
  • Filled Area
  • Min max
  • Profile differences
  • Profile heights
  • Profile line
  • Road geometry
  • Roadline Corridor Plan
  • Roadline Corridor Profile
  • Section markers
  • Slope/Radius
  • Tangent points
  • Terrain heights
  • Terrain profile
  • User defined

You can add components you require by clicking on the header to the left and then clicking Add; alternatively you can double click. Note that the header/label remains on the left-hand side because it is possible to use several components of the same kind in the profile form. For example, is it possible to have several terrain profiles/sections for different roadlines or for different digital terrain models.

The order in which the components appear in the right-hand column is the order in the profile form.