ArcGIS database adapter contents

ArcGIS database adapter




Open map                        

Opens the database for the drawing.


Disconnects the database

Add Data                         

Adds data from the database to the drawing.

Save Data                        

Saves the data

Save selection                  

Saves a selection of new or modified objects.

Refresh data                     

Refresh data, load from database

Reconcile and Post (save)

Reconciles and Posts data to the current version of the database.

Version manager              

Manages different versions of the database.

Change version                 

The command allows version change of selected layers

Edit Attributes                  

Edit attributes handles domains and subtypes.

Group Objects                  

Command to group single objects into one.

System settings - Arc

Settings - including drawing method etc...

Generate Subtype layers

Move subtypes in a layer to a subtype layer

Geographical Constraint

View Geographical Constraint


  Open map

This function  opens the  map  of the selected  database.  

Open map by database search

Searches can  be made from  one or more objects  in the database and  with  a buffered zone  around these  objects.  You can  also select if you want to open  the entire map,  the current view  (equal to  the window that  is now open)  or  by using the  window  which can either be  selected in  the drawing or  specified  by  coordinates.  When the map  opens, the items you searched for will be highlighted.

Find: Search for a value's attribute, for example address or road name.  
In: Where to make the search.
Select whether to find features that are similar to or contain the search string
All fields/ In fields: Select if you want to search through All fields or a special field.
Buffer: Default is 100 meters, which opens the map with a radius of 100 meters around the selected attribute.


Disconnects the database The Arc license used is not free until you close Topocad.  

Add data

Adds data from different layers. An area is selected.

Save data

Saves  the data. Select from the alternatives All changes, New features only, Modified features only, New and modified features only or Deleted features only.  

Save selection

The command allows the user to save a selection of new or modified objects. Deleted object are not able to save.
The dialogue shows concerned layers, how many marked object in each layer and also the total amount of objects that will be saved.

Refresh data

Update data and load new data from the database. You can ignore changes made in Topocad.

Reconcile and Post

Reconciles and Posts data to the database.

Any layers with differences from the database are displayed in a list. All layers with changes are displayed with three numbers in brackets, e.g. (1, 2, 3), where the first number indicates how many new objects are in this layer, the second number indicates how many changed objects and the third number indicates how many deleted objects - these must be deleted from both the drawing and the database.

Reconcile against version. Select layer to reconcile with.

Version manager

A list of different versions of the database. New versions can be created by right clicking.

Change version

The command allows version change of selected layers. All changes of existing objects will be deleted. New object will not be affected.

Edit Attributes

Edit attributes handles domains and subtypes.

 Group object

Right click on objects and select group object. The object will now appear as one single object.

Generate Subtype layers

The function moves subtypes in a layer to a subtype layer. The new subtype layer will be named <layer> - <subtype>

View geographical constraint

Select Constraint to activate the command.