Import and export of road profile


The road profile can be exported to certain instruments with a roadline. It can be imported to and exported from various formats. 

The following file formats are supported:
  • Export and import: prf profile line in point and GEO
  • Import: drd profile file .dpl.
  • General import of road profile data.

Import of road profile

Topocad reads lots of different file format to import road profiles. File formats that can be imported are PRF files from Point/Geo, DPL files from the DRD of the Swedish Road Administration, LandXML and a general import of text files. Read more at Data Exchange - Import files.

Export of road profile

A profile can be exported by marking the road profile in text form, copy (use right click) and from here paste, to for example MS Excel. It is also possible to export the profile to the PRF format used in Geo and partly Point and to LandXML. You are able to export a profile directly to most of the instruments and field computers.

See also

Road profile.