Add layer

Section template|Add layer

In Topocad you can work with an infinite number of layers in the superstructure. These layers can only be above the terrace and under the theoretical road. All the added layers will be in the volume reports as layers that can be switched on and off.

Select which colour the layer shall be drawn in.

Check if you want the layer to follow a terrain model.

The same type of command is on the calculated sections (TCS).

To add calculated sections in the drawing, see Create Section drawing

In Topocad is it possible to work with any number of layers in the superstructure. These layers have to be under the theoretical road and above the terrace. All of these layers can be displayed in area and volume calculations. Areas and volumes in these layers are not subtracted from the total superstructure area and volume. The layers such as asphalt should not be on the same line as the theoretical road.

This command is available in both the section template and in calculated cross sections.