Intersection point

Drawing|Misc|Intersection point


Function to create a point in the drawing, by setting length and direction from two known points.

Point 1 and Point 2

The command needs two reference points. They can be typed in or selected from the drawing. The reference points must have the X and Y coordinates typed while the Z coordinates only are needed if the points will have a height. COGO calculations and all the variation of this can be made from these two reference points by setting length and/or angle. The values for distance and direction can either be typed directly in the dialogue or drawn graphically in the drawing view by pressing the Select button for respective parameter. Typed distance and angles are drawn graphically in the view. The distance is drawn like a circle with the reference point as centre and the distance as radius. Angles are drawn as a beam with start in the reference point and direction according to the angle.       

Relative horizontal angles

If the check box "Relative horizontal angles" is checked the angles are stated relative to the line that breaks through the both reference points. If the box is unchecked the angles are stated relative to the Azimuth (direction angle 0).  

The application tries to find the points that agrees with all stated parameters. None, one or two points can be found depending on which parameter that has been selected. The position for a point that was found is a mean value, if the stated parameters don't find one and the same position. In the bottom of the window you find the coordinates of the found points. By clicking the Insert button next to a found point, the point will be inserted in the drawing. The inserted point will get the selected point code.